KYOWVA is excited to be working with Know Your Community through Church Answers and the Revitalize Network. Understanding the community that surrounds your physical location is important in the task of reaching those who you have the best opportunity to reach.
What is the Know Your Community Report?
- Report includes two key attributes often used to describe a particular group of people:
- Demographics (who people are)
- Psychographics (what people prefer)
- Boundaries of the community are defined by drive time. Common drive time is 10 minutes.
- We partner with ESRI to create the reports. Esri’s software is the most powerful mapping and spatial data technology available.
What makes the Know Your Community report so important?
Your church’s address is not an accident. God sovereignly placed your church there to reach the people around you. Do you know them? This report will help you understand your neighbors. Jesus’ Great Commandment (Matthew 22:34-40) gives clear instructions: Love your neighbor. Knowing your neighbor is the first step to loving your neighbor.
We hope to be a blessing to the church in our ability to offer these reports to you. We have a 100.00 investment in each of these reports. We do not charge for them, but we do ask if you are able to make a donation to help cover that expense it will allow us to make more of these reports available for others.