Every year the board of directors of KYOWVA select young men who are going into the preaching ministry to be recipients of the KYOWVA Preaching Scholarships. All applicants provide a written application and have a phone interview with the executive director. Over the years KYOWVA has been able to bless 101 ministers with $226,000 through this scholarship. In 2022, 12 men were chosen to receive the scholarship totaling nearly 21,000 dollars.
These students are receiving their education at: Kentucky Christian University, Summit Theological Seminary, ThreeStrand College of Evangelism, and Advanced Center for Ministry Training.
If you would like to donate to this worthy cause, send a check to KYOWVA Evangelistic Association with scholarship fund in the memo.
Here is a link to an online scholarship form. Just fill out the form and email it to kyowva@sbcglobal.net